lun – Ven : 09-13/16.30-19.30 Sab: 09-13
+39 3396522765
Farmacia Dott. Cori Franco
Servizi e specializzazioni offerti dalla Farmacia Dott. Cori Franco
La Farmacia Dott. Cori Franco di Ortezzano è un punto di riferimento per i servizi diagnostici e analisi specializzate. Grazie alla presenza di strumentazioni avanzate, come l’elettrocardiogramma, l’holter cardiaco e pressorio, è possibile effettuare una valutazione approfondita del sistema cardiovascolare. Inoltre, la farmacia offre analisi specifiche per il colesterolo, il diabete, i capelli e le intolleranze alimentari. Un servizio completo a disposizione dei residenti di Ortezzano e delle zone limitrofe.
Prenota un appuntamento
Per offrirti il miglior servizio possibile, ti chiediamo di prenotare
Why choose us?
How does it work?
From immunizations to checkups and preventive care, exams, our primary care physicians and providers work to keep you and your whole family healthy and strong each and every day.

Step 1
Get matched with the right doctor for you.
From immunizations to checkups and preventive care, exams, our primary care physicians and providers work to keep you and your whole family healthy and strong each and every day.
step 2
Choose a date and time.
From immunizations to checkups and preventive care, exams, our primary care physicians and providers work to keep you and your whole family healthy and strong each and every day.

step 3
Meet in the comfort of your own home.
From immunizations to checkups and preventive care, exams, our primary care physicians and providers work to keep you and your whole family healthy and strong each and every day.
Join the healthy revolution today.
From immunizations to checkups and preventive care, exams, our primary care physicians and providers work to keep you and your whole family healthy and strong each and every day.